Ah! Qu'il est bon, le bon Dieu! Oh! How good is the good God!
St. Julie Billiart
What are Charisms?
Charism comes from the Greek word (charis) used in the New Testament for ‘favor’ or ‘freely given gift’ from God. Charisms are spiritual gifts given through the grace of the Holy Spirit to enable followers of Jesus to become powerful channels of God’s love and presence in the world.
Gifts that Build Others
Charisms are gifts that ‘build others up’ and are a powerfully positive sign of the Church in the world. (These kinds of gifts are highlighted in Romans 12, 1 Cor. 12 and Eph. 4). Eight charisms have been identified as particular gifts to be seen in the person and vision of Jesus: Love, Service, Hope, Compassion, Reconciliation, Courage, Justice, and Peace.
Charisms of Religious Orders
Across the ages in the story of the Church, we have been able to identify in the saints and religious founders a very particular charism that reflects brightly the life of the Spirit. These founding charisms belong to the Church, to all of us, as a spiritual energy that is constantly reincarnated and adapted to different times, places and people.
Charism of St. Julie Billiart - Foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
St. Julie’s personal charism was to “proclaim the goodness of the good God” and her sisters to “teach the children what they need to know for life.” As a Notre Dame Heritage school, we continue to embody and unveil the charism of our foundress and her sisters.
Be like the sunflower that follows every movement of the sun, and keep your eyes always turned toward our good God.St. Julie Billiart