Planned Giving
Shape the Future. Leave a Lasting Legacy
One of the most transformational ways to support the students and teachers at St. John Notre Dame is through making a planned gift. As a planned gift donor, you can experience tax savings, increased income, and provide for your heirs, all while benefiting SJND.
By including St. John Notre Dame in your estate you demonstrate your commitment to our mission and your desire to safeguard its future.
Planned Giving includes a variety of philanthropic strategies that enable you to donate assets to support SJND yet defer the time that the gifts are received. In many cases, a planned gift enables you to make a significantly greater contribution than would be possible through an outright gift.
Let Us Thank You
If you have included St. John Notre Dame in your estate plans, please let us know. We would like to thank you for your generosity, make sure the purpose of your gift is understood by the school, and recognize you as a member of the Notre Dame Legacy Society.
The Notre Dame Legacy Society recognizes and honors those alumni, families and friends who have thoughtfully provided for the future of St. John Notre Dame through their will and/or estate plans. The Notre Dame Legacy Society members provide a solid foundation to secure the future financial strength and security of the School. Behind all SJND students and alumni are generations of benefactors who helped to make their education possible through their estate plans.
To discuss a planned gift in more detail, please contact Sharon Penrose, Director of Advancement