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Early Childhood Education

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

Matthew 19:14

Our two year early childhood education program, Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten, directs “the little children” to the love of Jesus.

The focus at this stage is on the introduction to the Catholic faith, early literacy skills, and social-emotional development. It is here that children are first exposed to the Truth, the Beauty, and the Good.

ECE at a Glance

•  Full or Half Day TK
•  Small Group Instruction in Reading and Math
•  Focus on Social-Emotional Development Through Play
• Phonetic Awareness & Early Literacy Concentration
•  On-going Progress Monitoring
•  Virtue Instruction
•  MTSS support

Transitional Kindergarten

It is our sacred responsibility to set the conditions for the proper development of skills needed for work and life.  While there are varying stages of development, we aim to prepare children for a structured classroom.  Children are expected to participate in cooperative play, to practice self-control, and be attentive.  TK academics includes: religion, phonics, math, handwriting, science, and social studies.    

  • Meets 8:00am - 12:00pm (Half-Day) or  8:00am - 3:00pm (Full-Day) Monday-Friday

  • 30 students, 3 teachers

  • Focus on social-emotional development through play

  • Children should be 4 years old on or before September 1st

  • Children enrolled in TK have priority enrollment into Kindergarten


At SJND Kindergarten, students continue to grow in faith, fortitude, and temperance.  In addition to learning more about our faith through service, teachers also focus more on phonics and phonemic awareness skills.  Kindergarteners will have daily lessons in religion, math, phonics, handwriting, science, and social studies.   

  • Meets 8:00 am - 3:00 pm, Monday-Friday
  • 36 students, 3 teachers
  • Focus on the development of Phonemic Awareness and Early Literacy
  • Children should be 5 years old on or before September 1st

Interested in learning more about St John Notre Dame?  Inquire, schedule a tour, or apply now.