Hallmarks of a Notre Dame School
St. John Notre Dame is a Notre Dame Heritage School, which means we honor our roots and ties to our founding congregation, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. SJND made the decision to continue the traditions and hallmarks of the Sisters after their departure from the school in 1984.
The entire SJND experience – academics, religious opportunities, co-curriculars and social events all reflect our Catholic heritage and our foundation in the charism of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. A key part of honoring our school’s heritage is keeping true to what it means to be a Notre Dame school. The Hallmarks emerged in response to the essential question posed by the sisters of Notre Dame de Namur:
What makes a learning community a Notre Dame Learning Community?
The Sisters and the learning communities began to explore this question in 2003 and the culmination of these discussions lead to the seven Hallmarks that concisely and beautifully express the values of a Notre Dame Learning Community.
Learn more about each hallmark by clicking the + next to each one.
- 1. We proclaim by our lives even more than by our words that God is good.
- 2. We honor the dignity and sacredness of each person.
- 3. We educate for and act on behalf of justice, peace, and care for all creation.
- 4. We commit ourselves to community service.
- 5. We embrace the gift of diversity.
- 6. We create community among those with whom we work and with those we serve.
- 7. We develop holistic learning communities that educate for life.